Wednesday, October 29, 2014

11. They Both Wear the Blue Jacket

After listening to several National FFA Officer Team members make their retiring address, the one that made the biggest impact on me was Joenelle Futurell's address made at the 86th annual National
Convention and Expo. Joenelle talked about the importance of letting your light shine and how letting your light shine on someone in a dark place can change their whole life. She also made it clear that is is FFA members are capable of letting their light shine through this great organization by taking advantage of the endless opportunities they are given. Joenelle said, "When you let your light shine you unconsciously give others permission to do the same." I couldn't agree more. For example, when you let your light shine during a livestock judging contest by ranking among the top placing individuals in the contest, you give permission for the rest of your team to do the same.

The part of her speech that I liked the most was towards the end when she answered the question why is FFA so special, why should i join it? She painted a clear picture of why it is important and summed it up better than I ever could. Joenelle said, "An answer to a question I have been asked by hundreds of parents, members, and supporters alike- what is it that makes FFA so neat and so special that I should join it or support it over any other organization? Simply put, what is it that makes FFA great? My simple answer, we can take any member from anywhere, any day, and give them the opportunity to let their light shine. The valedictorian, the special needs student, they both wear the blue jacket. The quarter back, the one who didn't make the team, they both wear the blue jacket."

I couldn't have said it better myself, we ALL wear the blue jacket. When we put that jacket on and come together for certain cause or event it is a feeling unlike any other. Being surround by members with a common purpose, a common goal, and a desire to succeed is what makes FFA great. Right now you can find thousands of blue jackets and bright futures in Louisville, Kentucky attending the National FFA Convention and Expo. A fun fact about those members, only 27% live in rural farm areas.

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